Bison Planning works as a trusted partner with our clients to understand and analyze their current planning, as well as both short-term and long-term goals in order to build a solid foundation for future generations. At Bison, we use both Goals-Based and Cash Flow Planning to answer key questions such as What are your needs? Will your assets meet your goals? What concerns do you have?
"Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax."
- Abraham Lincoln
How We Build Your Plan
- Evaluate your current situation and prioritize your goals for the future
- Analyze your decisions and discuss possible outcomes
- Identify risks that may deter and minimize your plans
- Work with your Trusted Advisor Team (Attorney, CPA, and others) to coordinate the implementation of your financial plan
- Review Estate Planning Documents to ensure they work in concert with your financial plan
- Work with Family Members to reduce risks and educate on wealth transfer to the next generation
- Monitor your financial plan and portfolio at periodic reviews

What is Our Focus?
Wealth Preservation
Estate Planning and Wealth Transfers
Risk Planning for Wealth Protection
Education Planning
Philanthropic Planning
Retirement and Business Succession Planning
Education of Future Generations

- Asset Strategies designed to protect against:
- Volatile capital markets
- Living too long
- Dying too soon
- Insurance designed for:
- Long Term Care
- Business Continuation
- Employee Benefits
- Life Insurance

- Review lifestyle goals
- Philanthropic endeavors
- Family legacy discussions
- Wellness seminars and coaching
- Longevity planning