Bison Wealth Advisory Services


Through gathering a deep understanding of our client’s needs, Bison Wealth offers solutions to build a foundation for families looking to protect, plan and grow their legacy.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today."
- Ancient Chinese Proverb

Delivering Comprehensive Financial Advice


We believe proper planning is the single most important ingredient of wealth management and, arguably, the most neglected. A good plan is the roadmap to a successful financial journey. We customize your plan with the goal of ensuring you arrive at your destination safe and sound.

  • Estate Planning and Wealth Transfer
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Risk Planning for Wealth Protection
  • Education Planning
  • Philanthropic Planning
  • Education of Future Generations


Our team of experts carefully construct portfolios tailored to protect each individual and families’ wealth and prosper from market opportunities. We provide the resources, expertise and personalized solutions to help our clients achieve their goals.

  • Multi-manager, open architecture
  • Strategic and tactical
  • Disciplined security selection process
  • Public and private market strategies
  • Objective-based portfolio construction
  • Disciplined monitoring and rebalancing

Innovation & Family Office 

Wealthy families have already achieved financial success. Leaving a lasting legacy that transcends future generations is how a family truly prospers.

  • Direct indexing with tax loss harvesting
  • Exclusive strategies that understand the needs of wealthy families
  • Our systems give you insights into your other custodied assets